Monday, March 21, 2011

The Quotidian World

Today we went down to the art gallery at Cypress College to look at the exhibit "The Quotidian World."Quotidian is defined as: "Of or occurring every day." I could understand how some of the videos were things that happen every day. One in particular was just a video of a glass of water. The focus shifted in and out. This was one "normal" video. I didn't understand a lot of the other ones.
 I was watching this one video that had these two girls with long hair. They were swinging their hair all around. Hitting each other, tying their hair together, dancing around. It seemed really weird to me. Then Glenn told me that these types of videos are definitely not like the normal "YouTube" videos. They have a deeper meaning to them. As I watched I tried to put the movements together but I just couldn't piece it together. I admired the beauty in their dancing but I couldn't understand exactly what they were trying to say through their movements...
Their were some other interesting videos to say the least. After walking around the area I was still kinda confused at what the videos meant. They were cool to look at! But hard to understand... At least thats my opinion.

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