Thursday, March 31, 2011

Beall Center for Art and Technology

This museum trip was really small! Small, but still interesting. I went there on thursday, March 31st. All three of the displays were done by Chico MacMurtie. They all used compressed air and inflatable material to show the movements of the skeletal-muscular system. I thought it was cool how it was loud in the room from all the clicking being done by the air machines. It added to the overall experience of seeing the exhibits.
The first exhibit was this big inflatable thing that was supposed to represent a standing person. At first it was just idly standing there but then it blew up. The "hands" reached towards the ceiling and it became more straight looking. It all got pushed together which made it look like a person standing with their hands on the ceiling.
My favorite exhibit was the second one. It was a bunch of birds with their arms to their sides. When it came to life they all started flapping their wings. It was a really good immitation of the arm movements of birds. It was really neat to see how they all moved in the same motion all together like a pack of birds.
The final exhibit was called "Inner Tube." At first it was all scrunched together but then it blew all the way up making a tube. It didn't start moving until I walked up to it which was pretty cool. It made me feel more like I was part of the exhibit.
Overall I really liked this museum trip. Robot exhibits are always cool and it was just fun to admire the work done by MacMurtie and to see his vision for these pieces of art. They did a good job of representing the movements of our skeletal systems which is what I believe he was trying to accomplish.

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