Today one of the things we talked about was reality. What is reality? Is it defined by our five senses? Or is it everyone's own unique experience? I'm a simple minded person so when that question was posed this is the conclusion I came to: Reality is defined by what we sense. I looked up a few of the definitions of reality (as webster's dictionary would define it) and here is one of them: "The totality of all things possessing actuality, existence or essence." To me when I read that and I think about reality, it is everything that we are aware of. How are we aware of things? We are aware because our brain is controlling our senses and that is how we are able to perceive the world around us. Some would argue that reality is our own unique experience. To me that seems like an answer to a different question. Reality is not subjective. Reality is... Reality! It's not how we want it to be, its how it is!
Another question posed in class that made me think was, "What is fake?" I think fake can be defined as anything that is not the authentic. Anything that imitates something else. A plastic rose is fake because its not the real thing! They are created by man to look like something that God created. People are "fake" when they act in a way that is not actually them! They are acting different then how they really are.
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